
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Top 10 facts about left-handers

1. Around 13 per cent of the world’s people are left-handed.

2. A slightly higher proportion of men than women are left-handed.

3. Of the last five US presidents, George W Bush was the only right-hander: Ronald Reagan was ambidextrous, Bush senior, Clinton and Obama were left-handed.
A study in 1994 found no difference between the life expectancy of left or right-handed cricketers
4. The European Patent Office lists 405 inventions with “left-handed” in the patent title.

5. Studies have shown that left-handers score very slightly better than right-handers in IQ tests.

6. Ambidextrous literally means ‘both right’ or ‘having two right hands’ but there is also a rare word ‘ambilevous’, or ‘having two left hands’.

7. A study in 1994 found no difference between the life expectancy of left or right-handed cricketers.

8. From the 17th to 19th century, when a man married a woman of lower social standing, it was referred to as a “left-hand marriage”.

9. Old terms for left-handed include cack-handed, katy-handed, molly-dook and southpaw.

10. In 2007, a gene connected with left-handedness was first identified.

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