
Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Hillary Clinton Movie Is Coming

Actress Addison Timlin will play the 22-year-old Hillary Rodham.
A Hillary Clinton film is on it's way. The upcoming indie movie When I'm a Moth focuses on the year Clinton—then Rodham—spent working odd jobs in Alaska, in between graduating from college and going to law school in 1969.
Actress Addison Timlin, whose past projects include Showtime's Californication, will play the 22-year-old Hillary, The Wrap reports. Co-directors and writers Magdalena Zyzak and Zachary Cotler explained at SXSW that their film isn't a biopic—rather, it's a drama about "how politics make you not real." Presumably that lack of realness sits in contrast to the down-to-earth jobs Hillary is said to have had during her time in Alaska, which reportedly included "sliming fish." (Just as gross as it sounds, FYI).
A separate Hillary biopic, Rodham, has been in development for several years, but Lionsgate dropped the project back in 2015, and its future is currently uncertain. "There's a better chance it'll happen if Clinton is elected," its screenwriter Young Il Kim wrote last year, in more innocent times. "Hollywood doesn't make movies about losers." That script is set at the height of the Watergate scandal, and picks up with Hillary as the youngest lawyer chosen for the House Judiciary Committee to impeach Nixon.

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