
Saturday, March 18, 2017

5 Facts You May not Know about Smoking

1. General Health Issues

Over 16 million people already have at least one illness caused by smoking. 11 billion cigarettes are smoked worldwide every day. Since 1964, over 20 million people in U.S. died of smoking including about 2.5 million deaths caused by exposure to the secondhand smoke. There are about 8.6 million people in world living with serious illness caused due to smoking. According to the study, smokers are found to die about 13-14 years earlier in comparison to nonsmokers.

2. Respiratory Health Issues

Approximately 9 of 10 lung cancers have been resulted by smoking. About 8 of 10 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is caused by smoking. COPD has no cure yet today. Tuberculosis is the most common disease caused by smoking which may be fatal. Around 80-90% lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking.

3. Other Cancers

Lung cancer only isn’t the cancer caused by smoking. Smoking may also develop cancer in many other parts of human body including mouth, nasal cavity, throat, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidney and cervix. It also may cause acute myeloid leukemia.

4. Children Deaths

About 5.6 million children alive today are guessed to die ultimately due to smoking. That is equal to 1 of 13 children alive in US today. There is one interesting fact about child smoking. In 2010, a two-year-old boy named Ardi Rizal from Indonesia was highlighted for having forty-a-day smoking habit.

5. Other Health Issues

Smoking is very dangerous to those women using birth control pills after 30 years of age. Smoking is also a major cause of cardiovascular disease that include atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease, aortic aneurysm and many more. There is 200-400% more risk of heart attack to smokers than nonsmokers. Other effects include reduction in effectiveness of treatments and delay in healing of wounds. Premature wrinkles, tooth decay, yellow and decaying teeth are others are normal impacts seen in people. Smoking also makes your hair turn gray faster. Additionally, 18 million males above 20 years age get suffered from ED (Erectile Dysfunction) which is caused due to smoking. Smokers are about 40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes in comparison to non-smokers.

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