
Saturday, March 18, 2017

5 Shocking Facts You Don’t Know about Chocolate

1. Eating Chocolate Can Help Prevent Tooth Decay

Chocolate works as an anti-bacterial agent. So, it helps in preventing teeth from decaying. Normally we think that sugar content in chocolate contribute in damaging our teeth. But in fact, tooth decay is caused by bacteria metabolizing carbohydrates. Dark chocolate, which contain cocoa helps preventing tooth decay as it reduces growth of the plaque. The oxalic acid found in chocolate helps to lower the acid production and prevents people in having teeth problems.

2. Americans Collectively Consume 100 pounds of Chocolate in a Second

Once the chocolate gets packaged up, it is headed for places like Switzerland and United States. Every year Americans enjoy about 12 million pounds of chocolate. Over 50% of adults in US prefer chocolates of any flavor. About 3.5 million pounds of whole milk daily is used for the manufacture of chocolate in the US. Annually Americans eat approximately 2.8 billion pounds of candy.

3. Chocolate can be Very Good for the Health

Chocolate’s smell increases theta brain waves, which provides relaxation to you. This is reason why people feel better after eating chocolate. Most of the commercial chocolate contains ingredients like sugar, fat and calories. Too much can contribute to the weight gain, a risk factor for heart disease, high blood pressure and even diabetes. But on other hand, cocoa itself offers potential health benefits as it is low in fat and sugar. Researchers have found chocolate also prevents the risks of heart diseases.

4. Too Much Chocolate Can Kill You

Chocolate contains high levels of “theobromine”, a powerful stimulant. Theobromine poisoning may cause seizures, heart failures, dehydration and acute kidney damage. Theobromine can be fatal if you eat 40 bars of Dairy Milk. Chocolates don’t do well for cats and dogs.

5. World’s Largest Chocolate Bar Weighed 5,792.50kg

Thorntons, a British chocolate company created the world’s largest chocolate bar during the celebration of company’s 100th birthday. The chocolate bar broke a world record weighing 5,792.50kg.

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